The High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) community focuses on hundreds of projects throughout the country, categorized into twelve areas called Computational Technology Areas (CTAs).
Encompasses a wide range of engineering problems in solid mechanics such as material or structural response to time- and history-dependent loading, large deformations, fracture propagation, shock wave propagation, isotropic and anisotropic plasticity, frequency response, and nonlinear and heterogeneous material behaviors.
Involves basic studies of fluid dynamics for engineering design of complex flow configurations, and for predicting the interactions of chemistry with fluid flow for combustion and propulsion; as well as interpretation and analyses of experimental data to extrapolate into regimes that are inaccessible or too costly to study.
Addresses computational tools used to predict basic properties of chemicals and materials, including nano- and biomaterials; and properties such as molecular geometries and energies, spectroscopic parameters, intermolecular forces, reaction potential energy surfaces and mechanical properties.
Covers the high-resolution multi-dimensional solutions of Maxwell’s equations and acoustic wave equations in solids, fluids, and gases.
Includes the simulation and forecast of atmospheric variability and oceanic variability, with numerical simulations and real-time forecasts performed from the very top of the atmosphere to the very bottom of the ocean.
Involves detecting, tracking, classifying and recognizing targets in the midst of noise and jamming; along with generation of high-resolution low-noise imagery and the compression of imagery for communications and storage.
Focuses on the research and development of HPC-based physical, logical and behavioral models and simulations of battlespace phenomenology in the correlation of forces.
Focuses on the use of computational science in support of analysis, design, and modeling and simulation of electronics from the most basic fundamental first-principles physical level to its use for communications, sensing and information systems engineering.
Involves high-resolution modeling of hydrodynamics, geophysics and multi-constituent fate/transport through the coupled atmospheric/land surface/subsurface environment, and their interconnections with numerous biological species and anthropogenic activities.
Addresses the application of integrated modeling and simulation tools and techniques with live tests and hardware-in-the-loop simulations for the testing and evaluation of DoD weapon components, subsystems and systems in virtual and composite virtual-real environments.
Embodies the use of mathematics computational science and engineering in the analysis, design, identification, modeling and simulation of the space and near-space environment and of all objects therein, whether natural or artificial.
Covers the entire computational ecosystem (hardware, software, storage, and networks) required to conduct large-scale data analytics. This ecosystem includes how large data is managed, analyzed, and visualized. Capabilities include methods for conducting exploration (What does the data look like?), descriptive (What happened?), diagnostics (Why did it happen?), predictive (What will happen?), and prescriptive (How can we make it happen?) analyses.