The Applications section provides a wide variety of information for individuals and organizations interested in benefitting from the experience of others in enabling support for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) in their applications or adding support for IPv6 to them. While not specific to support for IPv6, this article offers guidance and factors to consider when deciding whether to update an existing application to support new/changing requirements or to rebuild the application from the ground up..

Articles in this section also provides information about enabling support for and configuring IPv6 in commercial, open-source, and other applications software and web browsers. For information about enabling IPv6 support in Microsoft applications software not listed in the column on the left, see the Enabling IPv6 in Microsoft Windows Applications Servers article in the Infrastructure section.

Information about a wide variety of applications that already do (or do not) support IPv6 is available in the IPv6 Software article in the Deployment section.

Application Conversion Introduction

Application Conversion Tools

IPv6 and Google Chrome

IPv6 and Opera

IPv6 and Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer

Kerberos IPv6 Status

IPv6 and Java Applications

IPv6 and Mozilla Firefox

IPv6 and Apple Safari